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Publishing an ICT Project
Developing an ICT Project

Publishing an ICT Project

When publishing your ICT Project you must need places to upload content and ways to maintain your project. Here are some things you need to know when studying for the topic:


In uploading there are many methods that one would do, which one of them is using FTP which is like logging into a computer in the internet, but with a little bit of tedious work like configuring stuff and just trying to look at what your account username and password was. Your traffic to a server with this protocol can be intercepted, so developers made another way to do FTP securely with SFTP.

Developing an ICT Project

In Empowerment Technologies you are not talking about projects like the GNU Project or the VideoLan, which gathers developers to build free software; instead you are doing this project to build the social change that seems to matter to everyone such as the fight for human rights, equal pay, and an end to poverty to name a few. You must meet with your team to discuss and plan how to do all these "important" things to consider with the use of ICT and what you would accomplish in the end is what your acheivements can reach on its limits. Like software development you must also test your tech stuff like websites, hardware durability, and even the chances of penetration(aka if some hacker could just hack into your website and deface it).

When developing your ICT project you must consider its mission & vision, purpose, and many technical aspects. You must also have to get convenient software that anyone can easily use to do their work, which sometimes leads some people to using proprietary software and websites that run non-free Javascript, because these are what is being introduced to a team or organization as convenient and best. Please guys when doing this awesome work that you are having you must also realize that at some point in your life you need hackers who are curious of the software being used in the work environment. I do not mean hackers who might have previously stole your credit card at the store or something like that(thought it is a bonus points for experience in security), but I mean those who have embraced the values of the Hacker Culture back then and even the next generation of developers and coders who have collaborated on the development of free software like Minetest, GNU/Linux, GIMP, and Blender.

Back on topic, there are a lot of elements to consider when doing your operations and when it comes to using the digital tech of today you must also consider your security and might even need to go back to the old basics of just hosting your site from a provider or service you really trust(though I would let you consider an on-premise server, because AWS have its own restrictions to sites that do not align with their values). Alternatively you need a bulletproof hosting provider that have the character with the likes of PRQ and Cyberbunker or build a decentralized network from all across the world.

Things to consider:

In developing an ICT project (specifically for social change), you must meet up with your group in order to discuss key things that you must do in order to put your project right on the web. Most ICT projects would have an official website that outlays their mission and vision, stuff about them, and a bonus subscribe to those who want to get a newsletter. There are also stuff that you need to have when planning a website so your web developer would know how to structure the site at bay, which leads me to site maps. Site maps are a way that you and your team would tell the web developer that this is where you put this content and this directory. There are two(2) types of site maps one would be used for just the web developer and another would be for the actual users.

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